
Data Landscaping and Data Mining: Benefits, Challenges & Resolutions for Medical Research

Data landscaping and mining play a significant role in medical research. Since public domain data can be used for hypothesis generation, it can dramatically reduce the time and costs associated with wet-lab experimentation and data generation.

In this whitepaper, we discuss the benefits of data landscaping and mining in solving challenges users face in medical research.

Single-Cell Analysis: Applications and Resolutions for Research

There are a number of applications for single-cell research.

Some of the main applications include:

  • Identification of gene expression profiles for novel subpopulations
  • Identification of cell populations with altered states, associated with survival or drug response
  • Comparison of cell type composition of samples across different conditions
  • Identification of novel cell subpopulations

In this whitepaper we discuss applications, challenges, and resolutions for using single-cell data in research, alongside what is expected in the future in this area of analysis.

PTPRC graph from single-cell whitepaper

Epigenetic Analysis: Bioinformatic Applications for Research

Epigenetic analyses are relevant to many areas of research. Epigenetic studies can achieve: 

  • Greater insight into protein–DNA interactions 
  • Resolution of cell type– or tissuespecific methylation patterns 
  • Characterisation of the response of cells or tissues to epigenomemodifying agents
  • An enhanced understanding of the mechanisms regulating gene expression in response to environmental stresses or during developmental processes

In this whitepaper we discuss applications, challenges, and resolutions in epigenetics analysis, alongside what is expected in the future in this area.


An Introduction to the Microbiome: Challenges and Resolutions for Research

There are a number of challenges for microbiome research.

Some of the main challenges include:

  • Making credible sense of data generated
  • Deciding between different sequencing methods available
  • Other longstanding issues that arise when working with microorganisms

In this whitepaper we discuss challenges and resolutions in microbiome research, alongside what is expected to happen in the future in this high-growth area.



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