How Can Data Re-Mining Benefit Your Research?
- 25th March 2021
- Posted by: Claudine Gabriele
- Categories: Articles, Bioinformatics, Biomarkers, Gene Expression Analysis

Data re-mining is where data that has been previously generated, and to some degree assessed, is reanalysed. This could be as the dataset can now answer a new question that you have, or it could be that the dataset can be combined with others as part of a meta-analysis. It is a similar process to data mining, which you can learn about here. Data re-mining can be useful for many reasons. A notable benefit is that it uses data that is already generated, and to some degree, quality checked. A large amount of analysis time can be taken up with the quality control stage, so the ability to speed this process up is a benefit. Additionally, costs will be lower as there is no need for new data generation. This also ensures your analysis will not be delayed due to experimental or clinical delays. Whether you are interested in re-mining in-house or public datasets, there should be a reduction in the time needed prior to starting the analysis. This is due to the data already being available, so no time is spent landscaping repositories or databases for available datasets to answer your research question. Additionally, data re-mining helps you to make the most out of pre-existing datasets. It could be that you are looking to repurpose a drug or find new potential biomarkers in a clinical dataset through novel target identification. By utilising existing datasets, the initial data generation goes further and creates a deeper impact on your work. Suitable datasets for re-mining can come from a variety of locations – whether you have datasets in-house, or use publicly available datasets or resources. At Fios, we have mined a variety of public databases including The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), and the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopaedia (CCLE). Request our example report showcasing analysis of a dataset from CCLE here. We have extensive experience in data mining for a wide range of clients and research areas. Learn more about Fios’ data mining capabilities on our dedicated page. What are the benefits of data re-mining?
Data re-mining expertise
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