Cancer Genomics Expert Tom Bleazard Joins Fios Genomics

Welcome to Fios, Tom!

Fios Genomics are excited to introduce you to one of our newest recruits – Thomas Bleazard! With a strong background in cancer genomics, Tom is an ideal addition to our team.  In fact, since around 60% of Fios projects are oncology-related, Tom’s experience in cancer genomics helped him to hit the ground running when he joined us in September 2020. Great to have you on board Tom!

Thomas Bleazard, Bioinformatician with experience in cancer genomics

My Journey to Fios

I studied for my masters at Seoul National University in South Korea, working on cancer genomics and writing programs for family genetics analysis. I then studied microRNA in my PhD at the University of Manchester, and published on statistical methods in the field. Before joining Fios I worked at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control where I focused on pipeline development.

My Role

I am a Bioinformatician. At Fios, that means that I get to work across a wide variety of client projects. With a strong background in cancer genomics it is no surprise that I work on a lot of oncology projects. However, I also apply my NGS data analysis expertise to projects in other areas such as infections & vaccines.

What Is The Most Challenging Aspect of Being a Bioinformatician?

Since we work on such a wide range of projects at Fios, it is important to stay up to date with methods and advances across a variety of fields.  This can be challenging but it also means that I am always working at the cutting edge of bioinformatics.

What Do You Enjoy Most About Working At Fios Genomics?

I’ve enjoyed learning more with each project I work on and I’m happy being part of the team here.

If You Could Have Any Super Power, What Would It Be & Why?

I would have the power of flight so I could literally spend all my time in the air.

Bird in Flight


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